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Web/Mobile App Accessibility Services Provider List

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Email address:

Our Ref: 20240630231925

Web/Mobile App Accessibility Services Provider List
Registration/Information Update Form

The online registration may take around 15-30 minutes to complete depending on the information you are to provide. Before starting the form filling, you may consider to read the Form Filling Preview section to get an overview of the form content; and the Form Filling Notes section for general guidance for completing the form.

The enrolment and subsequent information update for the Corner is free of charge. Each Company/organisation is required to submit one application only for enrolment of all related web/mobile app services of the company/organisation.

  1. Completed application form will be submitted to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). For enquiry, please contact us by email. Email address:
  2. After the submission, OGCIO will contact the applicant for the following proof/supporting documents. Application without valid proof/supporting documents will not be accepted.
    1. A copy of valid business registration, or equivalent
      1. For Supplier already registered in the list of Suppliers Community Portal, no copy of business registration is required.
      2. The copy of business registration will be destroyed after processing.
    2. Softcopy of company/organisation logo (in PNG / GIF / JPG format with file size less than 2MB)
    3. Company/organisation’s details on “Completed Projects” (if applicable)
      1. The company/organisation is required to obtain consent and clearance, where appropriate, from the project owners for posting their project information and success stories on government websites for reference by the public and government users.
  3. Please complete all information in English, except for “Company/organisation Name in Chinese”.
  4. The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) is not obliged to accept the application or to post all the submitted information onto the Web/Mobile App Designers’ Corner, and has the sole discretion to remove any information that is deemed not appropriate for inclusion in the Web/Mobile App Designers’ Corner.
  5. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.

Please indicate the type of application.

The updated information will replace the data in our record